Saturday, April 5th & Sunday, April 6th, 2025
Venue: 6200 North Robinson Ave. | Oklahoma City, OK 73118
Hotel Contact: Reserve your room now for $89 in the NASA Powerlifting block
Late Fee: Late fee begins on April 1st, 2025 ($10.00 late fee!)
Start Time: Lifting will begin at 10:00 AM on Saturday and Sunday
Admission: Pricing for general spectators will be displayed at the competition!
Event Group: Join Meet Event Group
Facebook Group: Join NASA Oklahoma Facebook Group
P.O. Box 735
Noble, Oklahoma 73068
For all other inquiries, please send an email to sqbpdl@aol.com
Official Weight Classes
MEN: 114.5, 123.5, 132.25, 148.75, 165.25, 181.75, 198.25, 220.5, 242.5, 275.5, 308 & SHW
WOMEN: 97, 105, 114.5, 123.5, 132.25, 148.75, 165.25, 181.75, 198.25, 220.25, 242.5 & 242+
Official Weigh-In Times
Friday (Early Weigh-Ins) 7-8 PM: All Women & Men to 181.75
Saturday (Regular Weigh-Ins) 8-9 AM: All Women & Men to 181.75
Saturday (Early Weigh-Ins) 5-6PM: Men 198+
Sunday (Regular Weigh-Ins) 8-9 AM: Men 198+
Event Definitions & Equipment Allowed
Equipped Powerlifting (Single-Ply): Consists of lifter’s best Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift for a Total. Single-ply Squat Suit and BP Shirt + Lifting Belt and Knee wraps/sleeves & Wrist wraps.
Unlimited Powerlifting: Consists of lifter’s best Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift for a Total. 3-ply Band Bench Shirt, Single-ply Squat Suit + Lifting Belt, 3m Knee wraps/sleeves & Wrist wraps.
Unequipped Powerlifting: Consists of lifter’s best Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift for a Total. Lifting Belt and Knee/Wrist wraps.
Retro Powerlifting: No Supportive Equipment, Lifting Belt Only. Consists of Squat, Bench Press & Deadlift for a Total.
Equipped Push/Pull (Single-Ply): Consists of lifter’s best Bench Press and Deadlift for a Total. Single-ply BP Shirt + Lifting Belt and Knee wraps/sleeves & Wrist wraps.
Unlimited Equipped Push/Pull: Consists of lifter’s best Bench Press and Deadlift for a Total. 3-ply Band Bench Shirt + Lifting Belt, 3m Knee wraps/sleeves & Wrist wraps.
Unequipped Push/Pull: Consists of lifter’s best Bench Press and Deadlift for a Total. Lifting Belt and Knee/Wrist wraps.
Equipped Bench Only (Single-Ply): Single-ply BP Shirt + Lifting Belt and Wrist wraps.
Unlimited Bench Only: 3-Ply Band Bench Shirt + Lifting Belt and Wrist wraps.
Unequipped Bench Only: Lifting Belt and Wrist wraps allowed. 1 meter wrist warps allowed max.
Power Sports Full Meet: Consists of the lifter’s best Curl, Bench Press and Deadlift for a Total. Wrist wraps & 4” max width Lifting Belt only.
Power Press: consists of lifter’s best Power Clean and Bench Press for a Total. Lifting Belt and Knee/Wrist wraps.
Clean Only: Only the Power Clean. See NASA Rulebook for rules and definition.
Divisions (Chosen During In-Person Check-ins)
Freshman & Sophomore: Currently HS-enrolled lifters; Lifetime Anabolic Steroid Free
Junior & Senior: Currently HS-enrolled lifters; Lifetime Anabolic Steroid Free
Youth: Ages below the group of high school
* Junior High students can compete in the Freshman & Sophomore category!
NASA Annual Membership Card
All lifters are required to have a current NASA Membership. NASA enrollment will be available at the meet or pre-enroll on our web site. Membership is good for 1 full year from the date of purchase. Adult membership is $50.00 per year and High School Membership is $20.00 per year. Click here to pay for your membership card online!
NASA Rules & Regulations
Please refer to NASA’s official rule book for all questions regarding rules, regulations, lifting attires, lift commands or any other inquiries! Anyone who enters this and any other NASA Event by regular mail or by PayPal agrees to the terms of the waiver posted on this page. No exceptions. If you do not agree to these terms of this waiver, do not enter!
NASA National & State Records
All State & National records can be broken in this meet. Please check the current records for the correct division to enter and the current records. You MUST be entered in the correct division to break the records. i.e., to break Masters 1 records you MUST be entered in the Masters 1 Division. All Records are online; they will not be available at the meet. Check out NASA’s State & National Records index to find out about records!
Waiver (Please Read Before Entering Any NASA competition)
In consideration of your acceptance of this entry, I hereby waive, for myself, my heirs and assigns, any and all claims for injury or damages which I may incur by virtue of my competing in this contest as against Rich Peters, Tad Peters, NASA Powerlifting, the facility used and any of their agents and employees. I also realize that the sport of Powerlifting is a high risk sport and that I could be injured. I certify that I am in good physical health and have no serious health problems and that I assume full responsibility for such conditions. I realize that I am fully responsible for my well-being, my family’s safety while at this meet and in the warm-up room, on the lifting platform and while I am lifting at this event. I certify, by my signature & entry into this event that I have read this waiver and fully understand and accept its terms. If I am entered by another person other than myself through PayPal or other means I am agreeing to this waiver and giving them permission to enter me into this event knowing I agree to the terms of this waiver. I (or my parent/guardian) take full responsibility for myself being entered in this event and I agree to the terms of this waiver in full along with my parent or guardian. I agree to the testing methods adopted by NASA, Coefficient System and/or Urine Testing. I agree that if I test positive for anabolic steroids my name can be made public. I also agree that if I leave after being selected for testing I will be considered Positive on my Urine Test and forfeit my rights to appeal. I also agree to abide by the NASA rules of conduct and sportsmanship. I do hereby verify my acceptance by my signature (entry) below!
Entry Form
Click here for a printable version of the entry form!