1. Tell us a little about yourself. Etc. age, where born, where you grew up, schooling, jobs and family?
I am 62, married to John Frock and have two lovely granddaughters. I grew up in Plattsburg Ohio and spent my summer working on a horse farm in Fairborn. For 30 years I was an executive with Burger King Corporation before I left the corporate grind and bought a gym, Springfield Health and Fitness Center.
2. How did you get into lifting?
When I was 30 I went to a local gym to lose weight. Some of the powerlifters said I was built like a lifter. At the time I did not consider that a complement. After training with them for a couple of weeks I was hooked!
3. How long have you competed in meets?
I have been competing for 32 years.
4. How long have you lifted in NASA and why you lift in NASA?
I have been lifting in NASA for the last 25 years of the 32. After my first NASA meet I never lifted anywhere else.
5. What titles/records do you hold or have held?
In 2012 and 2013 I was named NASA coach of the year and in 2013 I was Overall Referee of the Year. I have held numerous National and World Records with AAU, IPF and NASA.
6. What are your current goals and your next competition?
I haven’t done much competitive lifting to brag about in the last 10 years due to a series of debilitating injuries, none of which were from powerlifting, but plan to lift in the Unequipped Nationals in Springfield, Ohio. I will drop a weight class for that one and set at least two National Records. The plan for that meet is to bring two teams from The Underground Barbell Club, a women’s and a men’s team and see who comes out on top!
7. What lifters do you look up to?
Mary Hetzel is my idol. She has been out there hitting it hard for decades . Larry Donahue, who never fails to make the trip to the gym and help out on our practice meets, run the meets in Springfield like a machine and treats all of my new people like old friends.
8. What type of training and schedule do you currently follow?
I enjoy a couple of CrossFit workouts a week to keep my weight down and 3 days of powerlifting training. Now that I am in weight loss mode I will add a few miles of walking a day. Generally my training partner, Jeff Briner and I use a Poliquin wave system. As we get older we have found that we almost never make it all the way through the wave and have to jump off about week 8 and do less than the prescribed number of sets. Both of us have old war wounds that keep us humbled.
9. What do you like to do in your spare time?
In my spare time I enjoy gardening and puttering around my house. Basically, I am a homebody but do like to get out on a long ride on my Road King.
10. What else would you like to share with us?
I would really like to thank Rich and the rest of NASA for allowing me to have a safe, friendly place to introduce my new lifters to the sport of Powerlifting. Three ladies on my team have lost over 100 pounds and were very self conscious their first couple of times on the platform. Everyone made them feel so welcome; I think that they are hooked for life.